The Congregation of YHWH

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A Letter to the Assemblies

A Letter to the Assemblies

The Message Behind the Parables
By David Gibson

You make the earth a better place to live in because of your goodness. So, let your light shine forth like the sun, and Yahweh will be seen through your good works. Do not ridicule others or appear to be better than them, continue to work on yourself and others will want to be like you. Let your faith in Yahshua be your solid foundation and do not mix the former things you’ve known with truth. Those who hold on to the former things are not with Yahshua and if you are not with him you are against him. Anyone who teaches the former things to others, are scattering those who are his. Repent of all manner of sin and it will be forgiven of you. However, do not blaspheme the Set Apart Spirit, for that is the only sin that will not be forgiven. When you hear the word of truth, turn not away from it. Do not let the wicked one snatch it from you, nor should you let the world choke it out of you in tribulation.

Hold fast to the truth and become a fruitful tree before Yahweh. Prove yourself to be considered a good seed, which is sown by the word of Yahweh, so that in the day of reaping, you will not be thrown into the fiery furnace. All good seed, if watered, will grow to become a mighty tree of refuge for those seeking shelter. So also, should the kingdom of Yahweh grow within you. Be willing to give up all you have and sell all your possessions in order to obtain the kingdom. If your works be just, they will follow you and everything you do, both old and new, will be a treasure offered up to Yahweh. The angels of Yahweh shall separate you from the wicked based on what proceedeth out of your heart. Let not your heart be defiled, because Yahshua doesn’t want to lose not one of his sheep. Keep therefore compassion towards one another, just as your Father has compassion towards you. Be ye not resentful of those who are last to commit to their walk, Yahweh will surely give us all the same just reward. And who are we to say what he should or should not do with what is his. If we eventually do the will of the Father, it doesn’t matter if we said we would but procrastinate. As long as we do it before the end comes. Don’t be like those who say they will follow Yahshua, but never do, their reward shall be taken from them and given to another.

So, put on your wedding garments and be ready for the coming of Messiah. Because the prophecy he has given us is true and it will come to pass. Blessed are they that, at his coming, are considered worthy to attend the marriage supper. For their labor was not in vain. Watch and be ready, for we know not when he will return. But when he comes, those that have held fast until the end, shall be given an abundance, and those that have not, all they have shall be taken away from them. Those that hath an ear, let him hear.

The earth is Yahweh’s field, and his Set Apart Spirit plants a seed in every one of us. It is our duty to nourish that seed, so that it may spring forth and grow in the body of Messiah. For the greater the sin we have turned away from, through repentance, the greater the love we will have for the Father and his everlasting mercy. Just as Yahweh hath loved us, we should also love him, with all our might and all our soul. Having that same love towards our neighbor, as Yahshua has commanded us to do, through compassion and mercy. For whatever you do unto others, it shall be done unto you. If you are persistent in your faith, what so every you ask, you shall receive, in Yahshua’s name. We give gifts to one another because of the love we have towards our brethren, how much more shall Yahweh give you his Spirit to those that ask him in his son’s name? Set not your heart on earthly things, to covet possessions of this world. But, build up treasures which are rich towards Elohim. Blessed are those who, when Messiah comes, are ready to be accepted into the kingdom. That good and faithful servant, who watched and prepared, will be made ruler over all that is Messiah’s. Any servant who knew the will of the Father and has not prepared himself for the return of Yahshua, will be cut down at his coming. Yahweh knows the hearts of men and for now, will leave the unfruitful fig tree alone. That all may have a chance to turn towards him and begin to bear fruit.

To those who have kept Messiah’s word, do not automatically set yourself in the high places. For we must remain humble in our walk and let Yahshua decide whether he will exalt us in our due season. Diligently consider the cost we have paid to follow Messiah, forsaking all that we have to be his disciple. Be not a lost piece of silver, hid in darkness, for Messiah seeks to find all who are lost, and the host of heaven rejoices over every sinner who repents. Confess to the Father, all manner of sin, while you can, and he will accept you with open arms as a son who has returned from a faraway country. Those who have continued in the Fathers house, should not despise or prevent those that delay their repentance. For we find comfort knowing we are always with Messiah and should never leave the presence of Yahweh through his Set Apart Spirit. He who is faithful with little on earth, will be entrusted with a multitude of riches in the kingdom of heaven. Do not let the things that are unrighteous in this world, mix with that which is spiritual. No servant of Yahweh can serve two masters, at some point, he will choose one over the other. We are all given the same opportunity to hear and receive the good news. It falls upon us whether we will believe a lie or hold fast to the truth. No one will rise from the dead to convince us Yahshua is the son of the Most High. It is our individual responsibilities to accept what is written by Moses and the prophets.

No one will praise us for doing what is commanded of us, we have done that which is our duty to do, even till the end. Our persistent prayers, Yahweh doth hear, and he will answer our cries, though it be for a little while. It is our faith that holds us until the Son of Man returns, and that same faith will keep us safe in the latter days. Yahshua has open a door that no man can shut. He has given his life so that any man who enters through the door shall be saved. We know his voice and are known of him, and because he died for us, we have the opportunity to live again…eternal. It has been said that we will be sorrowful just before the joy. That joy will manifest when Yahshua returns in his glory, with his heavenly host, to reunite us all in spirit and in truth. Halleluyah!

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