The Congregation of YHWH

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2022 FoT

We’re all ready and excited for the Feast of Tabernacles this year. It’s not the same without everyone’s smiling faces at Lake Murray and do we have something to grin about! Take a look at our tentative schedule and celebrate the fact that we’re all about to join up again to worship the Most High’s name. In a fantastic facility no less (#blessed).

We have our usual schedule page up as well, so you can save it to refer back to (if you don’t want a physical, paper copy). There’s so much to do that’s not even listed here. Take the opportunity to make new friends and chat with old ones. A kid’s (and possibly teen’s) class is making a comeback! Social events over food or fireside is a great way to bring all ages into the conversation, so don’t miss it. All food will be loving prepared by gifted hands, but that doesn't mean stay out of the kitchen. Take the chance to snap on your gloves and tie your apron, folks. We could use all the help we can get (that means even from little kids to big men). Need a reason to bust out your crafts, games, or other cool hobbies? Bring it up to our feast coordinator and we can definitely broadcast the side-event during announcements.

Click the button to see the detailed schedule page. And don’t forget to LIKE and mark ATTENDING on the Facebook Event, also linked below!

We will be back in Irving for sabbath services October 22, 2022.