Donate and Tithe


At the Congregation of YHWH, we keep active through donations alone. Our source of income pays rent for the building, utilities, this website and monthly emails, the postage for sending out CDs and DVDs, and the recording of the services. This money does not go toward our speakers nor the board members. Going behind the pulpit to assist in the spreading of the Word is solely through the want to help those who are searching. To keep us in a stable environment in Irving, to then eventually get our own land and building, we ask for a monetary contribution. If you are able to give money, you can complete the process through PayPal if you’re a part of the Outreach. If you’re in town, then we accept cash, money order, and check. If you do so, you'll receive a donations receipt by the end of the calendar year by email and/or physical letter from the Congregation of YHWH.


Besides money, we accept other charitable acts as well. If you would like to volunteer your time and efforts to us, please consider the following duties that we could always use help with.

Keeping the food pantry stocked and organized, photographer for Instagram, assisting with outreach program recording, teaching teens' class, teaching kids' class, cleaning the building (not on the sabbath), and help shop for supplies for the building when needed (not on the sabbath).

It is suggested and hoped for that all of the congregation’s in-house members will assist with the annual building cleaning before the Feast of Unleavens and packing and un/loading the truck for the Feast of Tabernacles. Helping each other for these events gets the job done quicker and makes the feast run more smoothly. 


Tithes, as spoken of in Deuteronomy 14:22-26, are voluntary offerings of your yearly increase. Fruit of the land, firstlings of the flock, or silver are listed as yields that should be brought forth every year. If you cannot bring in grain or herd offerings, then silver offerings should be given. As we are in a post-industrial era in the United States, money would be the offering we would make.