Live Streaming: One Year later

Thank you all for supporting our first year to get the word out online. Our congregation taking up that new platform helped give access to hundreds who were happy to hear the word of YHWH. With live streaming, we were able to give an insider's perspective into our worldview through how we observe and practice YHWH's statues and ordinances. Periscope enabled us to provide studies and sermons to be heard across the world and we were happy to learn from the fifteen months of utilizing it.

Now, after taking up surveys and listening to the feedback from our brethren, we have decided to make the permanent transition to Facebook Live. Starting in January 2019, we will be using Facebook Live exclusively for our new live streams. We will still keep our older streams up on Periscope and may even utilize it for updates, but our bible studies and sermons will be hosted now on Facebook Live.

You can follow us on Facebook, to receive updates of when we go live here. To help support us to continue using this service, please consider donating to our Paypal, or sharing links to the studies and sermons to those who are interested in viewing them.

Search us through the #yahbless #yahsaves #coyirvingstream #sabbath hashtags to see our posts on Facebook, Twitter, Periscope, and Instagram.

We hope that you will view us weekly and watch our congregation’s knowledge in the Word continue to grow with you all. Your continued support of us by subscribing to our free CDs and DVDs and utilizing our live stream is greatly appreciated. Many thanks brothers and sisters! Yah bless and shalom.